Insecure Writers Support Group Day


Insecure Writers unite! It’s that time of the month again where we speak about the negative side of writing. How is everyone feeling today? Me? Well, honestly, I really wish I could spend more time writing. I’m almost at 12k words, which is a huge deal for me, but with family life and everything that goes with it I just don’t get the time to write.

I’m afraid that I’ll ‘lose’ the moment if you know what I mean. That life will again get in the way (like it did for almost 20 years) and my time will pass. I’m starting to look for work as both kids will be in full-time school as of next year, and I do really want to go back – but then, what about my writing? Life will be just as busy – if not more. Will I still have the energy to make the time to write?

I am really, really loving where I’m going with the WIP – I can’t bear the thought of it being shelved. It’s not possible to abandon something you love. And I love writing.

I guess I’ve just given myself a bit of advice there haven’t I? I simply wont let go of writing again.


About Virginia

Writer, reader, crossword puzzler and conspiracy theorist.

13 Responses to “Insecure Writers Support Group Day”

  1. Virginia: I think it’s both a passion (in that you can’t stay away from writing even when life tries to get in the way) and a conscious decision (you DECIDE that you will not give it up regardless of what else is getting in the way.) If writing is a lifelong pursuit, there will be times – years, maybe – when you will do very little of it, and times when it will be easier to do lots. But if you keep at it, then you’ll be a writer through it all.


  2. Life is crazy sometimes, and once in a while the writing ends up getting shelved for a week or two. But if you can find even twenty minutes a day to get a few words you will make progress. I think a lot of the ‘writing’ happens in our heads while we’re doing other things, so a short writing session can produce results too.
    And I just love your WIP. I think it would be a shame to put this one aside. Keep at it!


  3. Life is not lived linearly, dear Vee: it’s lived exponentially. That said, you have time for everything you CHOOSE to have time for. Writing is like breathing for you…can’t stop…don’t stop! xoxoM


  4. 12k, that’s brilliant honey!!!!! 🙂

    Ok, sooooo, get the novel finished, and sent out BEFORE the kids are in full time school. Then, AUTHOR/NOVELIST may BE your new career 😉

    Good luck honey, I KNOW you can do it 🙂


    ps-thanks for the Pingback 🙂


    • Thanks love! Oh, a working author – *starts daydreaming…..* I would love that. Ok, so it took me 3 months to get to 12K….. if every 3 months I write 12k words…..mentally calculating how many months to get to 100k …..ok I give up! No, the easiest thing would be to finish it asap – I’m definitely gaining momentum with it – theres no excuse!

      No worries, love, thank YOU for the pingback too 🙂


  5. That “moment” is often fleeting. It’s like staying on a workout routine, or a diet, or awake on a road trip.

    Best of luck. I hope you are able to hold on to it.


  6. Wasn’t sure where to post this, but I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Check out my post here for more info: Congratulations! 🙂


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