Goals For The Week

I’m very pleased with my goal progress this week. Very pleased. Did I hit my 1500 words for the week? Yeah I did! I smashed it thank you very much with 2277 words! Very exciting 🙂

Next on my list was to print out my WIP so far and do some sequencing. That didn’t happen. I wanted it to but unfortunately my printer remained adamant about its ink cartridges – it didn’t like them and wanted nothing to do with them. So no printing this week.

Goal no.3 was to finish Cross Bones (Kathy Reichs) and start her first Temperance Brennan book Deja Dead. Well. This one was a little tricky. I wont go into detail for those of you who want to read it (spoilers) but I will tell you this: be prepared for lots of questions. Scene setting questions. Chapter cliff hanger questions. Temperance is asking herself a lot of questions. I’m finding it so hard to keep going but I only have a chapter and a half to go. Not a large amount to read by any stretch of the imagination but……oh dear… It’s a struggle! Which is a shame because I love Kathy Reichs. And I love Temperance Brennan. I am endeavouring to finish Cross Bones tonight…..I hope. Wish me luck!

So – goals for the coming week. Again, keeping the bar at medium height. Easier to manage that way.

1/ I’m going to up my word count to 2500.

2/ I need to get a start on my genealogy assignment – it’s due on the 6th of August. An essay/review on the program Who Do You Think You Are?. I can’t wait to get stuck into this actually because I can get…er…quite vocal about this show. Lets just leave it at that….. 🙂

3/ ……………………………………I just did the whole stare into space thing with no.3. So I don’t think I’ll set a third goal. I will focus on fattening up my WIP and starting my assignment instead and reassess next week.

What has everyone planned for this week? Any exciting goals to smash?

About Virginia

Writer, reader, crossword puzzler and conspiracy theorist.

13 Responses to “Goals For The Week”

  1. Well done on last weeks goals and good luck with this weeks 🙂

    I’m away at a writing school for a week starting tomorrow, so no goal setting this week for me *yay* lol 😉



    • LOL, it’s like school isnt it – no homework for one week! Freedom!!
      ENJOY your writing school. Can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂 xx


  2. Great job, Vee. Congratulations! And nice goals for next week – very doable with your flow of inspiration! Thanks for linking to the “Who Do You Think You Are” wiki page. I had no idea what this is, and my mind was going to metaphysical pursuits! lol…Have a great weekend! xoM


    • Thanks Margarita 🙂 Who Do You Think You Are is an interesting show, I do like it, but it does tend to give a newbie family historian a false perception of research. It’s not as easy as they make it look. It will be interesting writing about it – I have to remember to be diplomatic! You have a good weekend too 🙂 x


    • I just clicked on the Who Do You Think You Are wiki link – I thought it was going to link the TV show not the Spice Girls song! lol. Im going to remove the link – I’m definitely writing about family history research, not the Spice Girls! 🙂


  3. Great job on that word count!
    I like that you put reading on the to-do list. For me reading is something I try to fit in between everything else, so putting it on my list might help me set more time aside to keep up with it.


    • Thank you! I know, it’s so good. I love being on a roll and watching my WIP getting bigger. Normally I wouldn’t put reading on my list but with this particular book I had to. It was getting SO hard to finish – it really did drag on. It was like losing those last 3 kilos – feels impossible. You know it can be done but geez, it’s a struggle! I hope the next book isn’t like that.


  4. Doyou know I have never read any of the Temperence brennan books I think because I watched the tv series first and enjoyed it I dont want to read the books and be put off but might give them a go. As for Who Do You think you are? wouldn’t it be lovely if we all had a nice team of researchers to do our family tree for us…no sitting scouring through endless census lists only to discover that without coughing up more money we cant check if it is the right person or not oh and here are some plane tickets to go check out the place for yourself not lol would love to know which celebs they turned down for having boring families or celebs who refused to have it shown because they didn’t like what was found


    • Oh your comment made me laugh! I agree wholeheartedly with your opinion of Who Do You Think You Are – the simplicity of it all when in actual fact it can cost you, literally, hundreds to do a proper search. Those subscription sites are ridiculously expensive.
      I say if you’re interested in reading the Brennan series, you will enjoy it. Apart from the the two Temperances, there are only minor similarities to the show. I thought the same as you and thought I’d be getting the show in text but its really not. Maybe pick up one of her later books (I started with Mortal Remains) and I flew through that. I’m now starting her first one because I want some background on Temperance and how she met one of the other main characters that she deals with.


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