Kreativ Blogger Award

Checked my email this morning, and I received a welcome surprise. I got nominated for a Kreativ Blogger Award – it was extremely unexpected and I want to thank Sean for nominating me. Link to his blog here, go and visit him, he’s great 🙂 Writer, Singer-Songwriter and Drummer (triple threat!). Excellent posts about writing, life’s many musings and facial hair 🙂

So, these are the rules of receiving this award:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide the link……

Thank you again Sean

List 7 things about myself that my readers would find interesting……

1/ I have been to 8 different schools

2/ When I was 16, I sang in a Christian hip hop band. We had a few gigs, we were popularish. I left after a year

3/ I am fluent, written and oral, in 3 languages: English, Greek and Portuguese

4/ I am named after my Greek grandmother. When she moved to Brazil from Greece, she changed her name (it was a direct translation from her Greek name). The Brazilian version of her name is the name I was given

5/ I have always had problems with my tonsils but doctors have always opted not to remove them

6/ I love decoupage

7/ I have a big stamp collection courtesy of my grandmother. She was an avid collector all her adult life and before she passed away, she gave me the entire collection.

Nominate 7 bloggers, let them know they’ve been nominated and provide their links…..

Write To Perfect

Lightning Droplets

Storyteller in the Digital Age

The After-Dream’s Blog


In Dream World

Tonya Kerrigan

Go have a look at these blogs; they’re great 🙂

About Virginia

Writer, reader, crossword puzzler and conspiracy theorist.

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