Goals For The Week


And so we meet again ๐Ÿ™‚ What a busy week – blogging and otherwise. I’ve had a busy writing week too which was one of the goals. This time last week, I had culled a couple of scenes, slashed and removed chunks of story which shrunk my word count down to around 9400K, but now I’m happy to say it has crept back up to 11800K! I am very very happy to see that because it means that my dear old WIP is ticking along quite nicely! By the end of tonight, it will be well over 12K as I have a scene I need to nut out pronto.

I also finished The Crucifix Killer and now am on to Chris Carters latest (and final) instalment – The Death Sculptor – which is proving to be just as fantastic as his previous offerings. I’m pacing myself with this book though as his next one isn’t coming out till 2013. I can feel the withdrawals coming already…..

Now, I can repeat my goals for this coming week like I do every Saturday night. Work on WIP, read more of my book……we’ve all heard it before. What I do have to add is some non writing related things like get a start on sanding down my bookshelf (I recycle old furniture) and begin research for my genealogy assignment. Actually, I have to start this soon because it’s due on the 19th of the month!

So, again, not too many goals but enough to keep me going for the week. I hope all of you with to do lists have a successful week of smashing those goals one by one! ๐Ÿ™‚


About Virginia

Writer, reader, crossword puzzler and conspiracy theorist.

10 Responses to “Goals For The Week”

  1. I’m calling bluff!

    That pen did not write those words or make that smiley face thing.

    “9400K, but now Iโ€™m happy to say it has crept back up to 11800K! ”

    Did you mean 94,000/94K, because 9400K is 9.4 Million words. That would be absolutely insane!

    It’s 7am here and I haven’t slept. Ignore the randomness. We’ll just pretend I wasn’t here. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Wow, I wish I had your writing work ethic. I grind out about 500 to 1000 words a day. A big writing day for me is anything over that. So well done on the WIP!


  3. I’m happy to say that I’ve actually been keeping up with the goals I set last week. The key, which seemed obvious until I kept banging my head against it, was to set goals that were realistic! Duh…
    At 80k revised, I’m well on my way to meeting my goal of 85k revised words by the end of the month. Dare I to raise my goal to 90k? Not sure yet, but hopeful. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Congrats on your words, and I’m off to check out your helpful link.


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